Conference Programme
TEIMUN’s team has been working hard throughout the year to bring you a great programme! A detailed overview is available below!
Programme overview
To ensure a professional and social atmosphere, the TEIMUN conference aims to create a setting for fruitful debates and for good social interactions with your fellow delegates, chairs and the Conference stff.
Social events
Council Sessions
Day 1
10th July
Registration: 9:00-13:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
RoP workshop: 13:00-14:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Workshop 2: 14:00-15:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Opening Ceremony 15:00-17:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Council Dinners 17:00-19:00 (Location dependent per Council) (at delegates own costs)
Lustrum X Orange Party 20:00-00:00 (Café de Paap)

Day 2

11th July
10:00-12:00/13:00 Council Sessions (Gymnasium Haganum)
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break Group 1 (Gymnasium Haganum)
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break Group 2 (Gymnasium Haganum)
13:00/14:00-17:00 Council Sessions (Gymnasium Haganum)
20:00-23:00 Movie Night (Filmhuis Den Haag)
Day 3
12th July
9:00-12:00 Council Sessions/Council Speakers
11:45-13:00: Lunch Break Group 1
13:00-14:00: Luch Break Group 2
14:00-17:00: Council Sessions
17:00-19:00: Global Village
All events take place at Gynasium Haganum

Day 4

13th July
9:00-12:00 Council Sessions (Gymnasium Haganum)
12:00-13:00 Lunch (Gymnasium Haganum)
13:00-17:00 Council Excursions (ICC/Clingendael Institute)
20:00-00:00 TEIMUN Gala (Seafood Bar 19)
Day 5
14th July
11:00-13:30 Cultural Scavenger Hunt (Details tba)
14:00-17:00 Council Sessions (Gymnasium Haganum)
19:00-23:00 Beach Barbecue (Beachclub Copacabana)

Day 6

15th July
Council Sessions 9:00-12:00/13:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Lunch Group 1 12:00-13:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Lunch Group 2 13:00-14:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Council Sessions 13:00/14:00-15:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Closing Ceremony 15:00-17:00 (Gymnasium Haganum)
Casual Drinks 21:00-23:00 (Café Schlemmer)