“Who Killed Kenya” has not been officially released yet, but it is possible to licence the film for a local screening free of charge. Please look below, to see if you qualify. The film is available as a 4K DCP and ProRes or H.265 render. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us an email at: movie-committee@teimun.org
MUN Conference or Club
You are organising an MUN conference and want to show the movie as a social? Or you run an MUN-society and are looking for entertaining way to teach delegates about Model UN? Then fill out this form:

Teaching and Public Platforms
You are a teacher, looking for a fun way to get your students to engage with international politics? Or you work in politics and want to show the film at an international event? Then fill our this form:
FORMCinema or Distribution Company
You run a cinema or distribution company and are looking for a high-quality feature film that offers a fresh perspective on the big geopolitical questions of our time? Then please send us an email, so we can get in touch: movie-committe@teimun.org

You are just really curious to see the film yourself? Then follow us on social media to hear about screenings near you and put your email address on this list, so we can inform you directly when “Who Killed Kenya” is officially released: