Apply for the TEIMUN Board
Only applications for the President position are still open.
If you want to be part of organising two large MUN conferences in Groningen and The Hague, apply for the TEIMUN Board! Boost your CV, organisational and other professional skills with like-minded students. Expand your social and professional network and make friends for life while acquiring valuable skills!
Available Positions
All positions within the TEIMUN Board require their own expert. Which one suits you best?
The president of the Board of Directors of TEIMUN assures the smooth running of the entire Board. Additionally, the President is the face of the Foundation for all external relations. This means you will need to have network meetings with various parties such as the University and other large institutions. As a President you are:
– Not afraid to take the lead
– Able and willing to chair large meetings
– Responsible and representative
– A true networker
The Secretary is in charge of taking minutes in all Board meetings and keeping an overview of everyone’s tasks and to do’s. The Secretary is the President’s right hand and always has an overview of what is going on within the Board and within the Foundation. The Secretary should be:
– Organised and structured
– Pro-active
– Supportive to the President
– Able to take charge
The Treasurer is in charge of all financial matters within the Foundation. You keep an overview of the financial situation within the Board, create the budgets for all conferences and other activities, and make sure that these budgets are adhered to by the rest of the Board. The Treasurer should be:
– Good with numbers
– Have some knowledge of budgeting
– Organised
– Not afraid to say no
The Fundraiser is in charge of acquiring funds for the Foundation so that we are able to afford the conferences we organise. Fundraising requires a lot of networking and preparatory work as well as a creative mind to come up with new ways to acquire more funds. The Fundraiser should be:
– Social and representative
– Not afraid to take risks
– Able to connect with people easily and maintain networks over a longer period of time
The Programme Coordinator is in charge of all logistics regarding the conferences. This ranges from finding a suitable location, to choosing the theme for the socials, to finding speakers for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. Additionally, the Programme Coordinator makes sure everything is running smoothly during the conferences. The Programme Coordinator should be:
– Organised
– Balanced between traditions and original ideas
– Able to work well under pressure
The Participants Coordinator is in charge of absolutely everything to do with the participants of the conferences. Whether that is allocating them to their councils and countries, making their name tags or helping them acquire a visa. The Participants Coordinator should be:
– Social and friendly, always willing to help
– Somewhat knowledgeable about MUN and International Relations
– Organised and structured
The PR Coordinator is in charge of all promotion and other public relations within the Foundation. This means they maintain the Foundation’s social media accounts and create all promotion for the conferences, whether that is designing a poster or promoting the conferences to a big room full of people. The PR Coordinator should be:
– Able to design promotional material
– A social media expert and addict
– Not afraid to walk up to people and start selling our conferences to them
– Bubbly and approachable
How to Apply
If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors of TEIMUN, it is important that you are based in Groningen and that you are available for the entire academic year 2024/2025. Your Board year only ends a few weeks after TEIMUN is over, and TEIMUN usually takes place mid-July. Furthermore, it is important to note that taking on a Board position is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. We expect all Board members to be involved and to make time for their tasks. You should count on spending at least 8 – 12 hours per week on the TEIMUN Board, although the hours vary throughout the year.
If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and a letter of motivation containing at least the following:
– Why you are interested in joining the TEIMUN Board
– Which position(s) you prefer
– Why you think you are suitable for this position
Please forward your letter to with the subject being ‘Application for TEIMUN Board of Directors 2024/2025 [Position you are applying for] [Name]’.
before 23 June 2024, 23:59 CET