Joining the TEIMUN Foundation: All Your Options

The TEIMUN foundation is a large organization that over 200 (international) students are a part of each year. Are you interested in finding out how the TEIMUN Foundation is structured and which different organs build the ‘foundation’ of our Foundation? There are countless ways to get involved with the TEIMUN Foundation from all over the world.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of seven people and is in charge of running the Foundation and all its activities. This is a relatively high pressure job that requires juggling a lot of different tasks and always keeping your eye on all the different things going on within the Foundation. The BoD organizes both GrunnMUN and TEIMUN and is responsible for arranging funding, locations, speakers and all other logistical and organizational matters concerning the conferences. Additionally, the Board is actively involved with the University of Groningen. For example, we set up simulations for certain university courses and you can even earn 5 ECTS for joining TEIMUN!
Being part of the BoD is a big responsibility but offers a massive learning opportunity, builds your network and creates new possibilities. Are you based in Groningen and do you think you have what it takes to run a Foundation? We are now taking applications for the Board of Directors 2020 / 2021! Find out more here.
The Secretariat
The secretariat consists of two people, Secretary-General and Under-Secretary General. They are in charge of the content and the academic quality of GrunnMUN and TEIMUN. This means that they decide on who will chair the various councils at the conferences, oversee the chosen topics to make sure they adhere to our high academic standards, and assist the chairs in writing their background papers. Throughout the year and during the conferences, they are the point of contact for all council chairs. Additionally, the secretariat executes the simulations for the UG by providing study guides and chairing the sessions. The Secretariat is also often in contact with other MUN organizations to set up partnerships.
The TEIMUN Society Committee
In addition to our MUN conferences, GrunnMUN and TEIMUN, we also organize weekly MUN sessions in Groningen. These sessions are organized by the TEIMUN Society Committee and aim to provide specific MUN training to beginners and more experienced MUN’ers. The Committee generally consists of several members in charge of organization and logistics and several trainers that provide the content and execute the training sessions. The TEIMUN Society also has a strong social component: it’s a place where you can meet like-minded people and have drinks together after the sessions.
The Staff
Our conferences, GrunnMUN and TEIMUN, would not be possible without the help of our staff members. The staff generally consists of council chairs, the general crisis team and the journalist team. Our staff is always a very international bunch of students from all over the world.
- Council chairs collaborate with the Secretariat to come up with the topics of their council, write the background paper and chair all sessions throughout the conferences.
- The General Crisis team is in charge of spicing our conferences up a bit. It is their job to catch councils off guard with unplanned situations that they were not able to prepare for, providing an extra challenge for the delegates and making the simulations more realistic.
- The Journalist team is in charge of covering the entire conference. This means that you interview delegates and chairs, take pictures and videos, update the TEIMUN social media and are in charge of managing the TEIMUN Spotted page. Whatever it takes to make sure everyone knows what is going on during the conferences!
The Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is made up of previous Board and Secretariat members. Their goal is to oversee the current BoD in what they are doing and assuring that the quality of the Foundation remains high and that all its goals and objectives are being adhered to. Additionally they have an advising role and support the BoD when needed.
The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists of treasurers from previous TEIMUN Boards. Additionally, there is always one external treasurer that has not been part of a TEIMUN Board to provide extra perspective. The Audit Committee oversees all financial matters and decisions the Board makes and advises where needed. They also make sure all the numbers always add up.
Join us!
Now that you know more about the structure of our Foundation, it’s time to get involved! If you are based in Groningen, you could apply for a position within the Board of Directors or join the TEIMUN Society Committee. Applications for the Board are open now until May 25th. Applications for the TEIMUN Society Committee will open very soon, so keep an eye out on our social media. If you aren’t ready to do any organizing just yet, but are interested in joining MUN training sessions, follow our TEIMUN Society facebook page to stay updated about our events. You are also more than welcome to join GrunnMUN, our one-day MUN conference held in Groningen. GrunnMUN usually takes place in the beginning of March.
Based somewhere else in the world? We would love to see you at our TEIMUN conference, held yearly in July in The Hague: the city of peace and justice. If you have MUN experience and you’d like to do something more than be a delegate, make sure you follow us on social media to find out how to become a member of our Staff.
Questions? Ask us! Send us a message on Facebook or email us at